Dr. Angela I. Renton
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Former PhD Student (2021), Research Assistant (2016-2017), and Honours Student (2015)
Email: angela.renton@uqconnect.edu.au
Current research
I work on a number of projects using behavioural and physiological measures as well as measures of neural activity (EEG, fNIRS). My PhD investigated how the brain forms visual representations of the world. To do this, I used neurofeedback training to alter neural activity in the visual system of the brain, and measured how this changed what was seen.
Research interests
Visual Selective Attention
Frequency tagging/ steady-state visual-evoked potentials (SSVEPs)
Machine learning and pattern classification in EEG
Real-time feedback loops/ Neurofeedback training
Renton, A.I., Painter, D.R., & Mattingley, J.B. (2021). Implicit neurofeedback training of feature-based attention promotes biased sensory processing during integrative decision-making. The Journal of Neuroscience. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0243-21.2021
Painter, D.R., Kim, J.J., Renton, A.I. & Mattingley, J.B. (2021). Joint control of visually guided actions involves concordant increases in behavioural and neural coupling. Communications Biology 4, 816. doi: 10.1038/s42003-021-02319-3
Renton, A.I., Mattingley, J.B. & Painter, D.R. (2019). Optimising non-invasive brain-computer interface systems for free communication between naïve human participants. Scientific Reports, 9, 18705. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-55166-y
Renton, A.I., Mattingley, J.B., & Painter, D.R. (2018). An open interface system for non-invasive brain-to-brain free communication between naive human participants . bioRxiv
Renton, A. I., Painter, D. R., Mattingley, J. B. (2018). Differential deployment of visual attention during interactive approach and avoidance behavior. Cerebral Cortex. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhy105
Gilson N.D., Hall C., Renton A.I., Ng N. & von Hippel W. (2017). Do sitting, standing or treadmill desks impact psychobiological indicators of work productivity? Journal of Physical Activity & Health.
Conference presentations
Renton, A.I., Painter, D.R. & Mattingley, J.B. (2021, November). Real-time neurofeedback training of spatial and feature-based attention selectively enhances visual processing. Oral presentation at the Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference.
Renton, A.I., Painter, D.R. & Mattingley, J.B. (2021, April). Implicit neurofeedback training of feature-based attention promotes biased sensory processing during integrative decision-making. Oral presentation at the Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Renton, A.I., Mattingley, J.B. & Painter, D.R. (2019, November). Optimising non-invasive brain-computer interface systems for free communication between naïve human participants. Poster presentation at the 12th Australasian Workshop on Computational Neuroscience and Neural Engineering, Adelaide, Australia.
Renton, A.I., Painter, D.R. & Mattingley, J.B. (2019, July). Expanding horizons for brain-computer interface systems: Optimising classification of feature selective attention in real-time EEG data. Poster presentation at the CIFAR Deep Learning & Reinforcement Learning Summer School, Edmonton, Canada.
Renton, A.I., Painter, D.R. & Mattingley, J.B. (2018, November). Implicit neurofeedback boosts feature-based selective attention in a visual decision making task. Poster presentation at the Australian Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Renton, A.I. (2018, September). Machine Learning for Scientists. Workshop presented at the Australasian Open Science Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Renton, A.I., Mattingley, J.B. & Painter, D.R. (2017, December). Translating thoughts into text: Rapid communication with a brain computer interface virtual keyboard. Poster presentation at Systems and Computational Neuroscience Down Under, Brisbane, Australia.
Renton, A.I., Painter, D.R. & Mattingley, J.B. (2017, August). Differential mobilization of visual selective attention during dynamic approach and avoidance behaviour. Poster presentation at the 13th International Conference for Cognitive Neuroscience, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Renton, A.I., Painter, D. R., Kim, J. J., & Mattingley, J. B. (2016, November). Are two brains better than one? Evidence of neural synchrony across co-actors in a visually guided movement task. Talk at the Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, Shoal Bay, Australia.
Renton, A.I., Painter, D.R., & Mattingley, J.B. (2015, November). Neural Correlates of Selective Visual Attention for Interactive Approach and Avoidance. Poster presentation at the Australian Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Renton, A.I. (2015, September). Using evoked brain oscillations to track approach and avoidance behaviour during video-game play. Talk at the University of Queensland Undergraduate Research Conference, Brisbane, Australia.