Dr. Delphine Lévy-Bencheton (lab alumnus)

Former Postdoctoral Fellow - Mobility Fellowship (2018)

Delphine left the lab in 2018 to manage the UQ node of the Science of Learning Research Centre.

Email: d.levybencheton@uq.edu.au

Current research

Remapping is used every day to maintain visual stability during eye movements when exploring a visual scene. Despite a large number of studies in the field, some aspects remain largely unknown, especially concerning the neural substrates of the remapping mechanisms. This is particularly relevant for patients with brain lesions, who exhibit a very debilitating deficit in perceiving a visual scene and sometimes are unable to perform eye movements toward the “remapped” object. I propose to investigate these neural substrates of visual remapping with a technique stimulating the brain combined to behavioral tasks, to further increase knowledge in this field and facilitate the development of diagnostic and rehabilitative tools for patients.

Research interests

  • Eye movements and visual perception
  • Transsaccadic remapping
  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
  • Oculomotor plasticity

Published papers

Lévy-Bencheton, D., Khan, A. Z., Pélisson, D., Tilikete, C., & Pisella, L. (2016). Adaptation of saccadic sequences with and without remapping. Front Hum Neurosci, 10:359. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2016.00359

Lévy-Bencheton, D., Pélisson, D., Prost, M., Jacquin-Courtois, S., Salemme, R., Pisella, L., & Tilikete, C. (2016). The effects of short-lasting anti-saccade training in homonymous hemianopia with and without saccadic adaptation. Front Behav Neurosci, 9:332. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00332

Lévy-Bencheton, D., Pélisson, D., Panouillères, M., Urquizar, C., Tilikete, C., & Pisella, L. (2014). Adaptation of scanning saccades co-occurs in different coordinate systems. J Neurophysiol, 111, 2505–2515.

Lévy-Bencheton, D., Pisella, L., Salemme, R., Tilikete, C., & Pélisson, D. (2013). Plastic modification of anti-saccades: Adaptation of saccadic eye movements aimed at a virtual target. J Neurosci, 33(33), 13489-13497.

Pouget, M.C., Lévy-Bencheton, D., Prost, M., Tilikete, C., Husain, M., & Jacquin-Courtois, S. (2012). Acquired visual field defects rehabilitation: Critical review and perspectives. Ann Phys Rehabil Med, 55(1), 53-74.

Conference presentations

Lévy-Bencheton, D., Pélisson, D., Prost, M., Courtois, S., Salemme, R., Pisella L., & Tilikete, C. (2013, November). Saccadic adaptation in hemianopia: A new rehabilitation method? Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, USA.

Lévy-Bencheton, D., Pélisson, D., Panouillères, M., Urquizar, C., Tilikete, C., & Pisella, L. (2013, May) Adaptation of saccadic eye movements involves different coordinate systems. Poster presented at the meeting of the Vision Science Society, Naples, FL, USA.

Lévy-Bencheton, D., Pélisson, D., Prost, M., Salemme, R., Pisella, L., & Tilikete, C. (2012, September). Saccadic adaptation for rehabilitation in hemianopic patients. Poster presented at the OSA Vision Meeting, Rochester, NY, USA.

Lévy-Bencheton, D., Pisella, L., Salemme, R., Tilikete, C., & Pélisson, D. (2011, August). Anti-saccade adaptation. Poster presented at the 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, Marseille, France.